All things tech: Repair, troubleshooting, smart home & home theater.


Don’t lose hope! Don’t venture into the unknown alone! Our wide-ranging services and vast skill set can ensure that your devices are in great shape, easy to navigate, and beautifully selected and installed. Whether it’s a cracked screen, a confusing piece of software, or a big-budget build-out, we can’t wait to work with you. Proudly servicing the Hudson Valley and Capital Region.



Your devices aren’t invincible, but they are repairable. We can gladly repair and upgrade your Mac and PC products.



Pulling your hair out trying to fix a software problem? Need a refresher on how to use certain device features? We are available for in person and virtual troubleshoot and tutorial sessions.


Smart Home

Your technology should work for you, and feel seamlessly integrated into your home and routine. Whether you’d like to blanket your home in mesh Wi-Fi or automate your security system, we know how to get it done.


Home Theater

We are audio and video geeks, and have serious experience navigating the world of acoustic treatment, surround sound, projectors and TVs, and how they all can work together to create a magic home theater experience.